Friday, February 22, 2013

ONE THING - His Presence

"One thing I have asked of the LORD, that I will seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple," Psalm 27:4.

Far From Home
Imagine an American soldier stationed overseas in Iraq. As they sleep, rise, eat, prepare, patrol, and fight their mind constantly wanders home. The lonely warrior cannot help but think of his own bed, waking up next to his wife, hugging his kids, pouring a bowl of cereal at the table, warming up the car, driving to work, and returning to a warm, safe, comfortable home. Above all he wanted one thing: to be in the presence of those he loved; his family. All day; everyday his mind is consumed with thoughts of his family, images of his wife, and replays of his kids running around the house and into his arms. They are all he wants.

Like this soldier, where David was and where he wanted to be were different places.
David was at war and was being persecuted by his enemies. He was a soldier far from home and wanted to return. He wanted one thing…to be in house of God. To be in the house of God was to be in God’s presence. Nothing else compared. The house of the Lord was the temple. The temple was where God’s presence remained. David longed to dwell in God’s presence, and to be with God time and time again. 
A New Home
Time went by and Jesus came. He died for our sins and returned to the Father. Since then we are no longer dependent upon the temple to be in God’s presence. Jesus was God’s son, he was present on earth. Then he sent his Holy Spirit to be present with us, and to dwell in our very beings. This is HUGE!!!!
We are now the home where God dwells (the temple of the Holy Spirit) individually and corporately.

  • “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16.
  • “For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, ‘I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people…” 2 Corinthians 6:16.
  • “…you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit” Ephesians 2:19-22.

We don’t have to go anywhere to be with the ONE we love. We simply ask Jesus to forgive our sins and daily surrender our desires and plans for his. We also invite the Holy Spirit to dwell in us…and HE DOES! God is with us wherever we are and in whatever we are going through. He is in us individually as we go about each day and he is in and among us when we get together. He makes his home in us!

Go Home
Above all else David sought to be with the ONE he loved, yet I seek everything else. I don’t just want one thing, I want a lot of things…
I want to:

  • Feel better about myself by checking Instagram, Facebook, and twitter to see if someone has noticed me,
  • Go to the company of my friends so I don’t have to feel so alone,
  • Turn up the music to drown out and ignore how I really feel,
  • Flirt with a guy so he recognizes my appearance so I don’t feel so insecure,
  • Stay really busy so I don’t have to face what I am really afraid of…
  • Is it the same for you? What are the things you seek? These only distract us from WHO we really need.

For David the one thing he wanted was to be in the presence of God. Are you as desperate as the soldier to see the ones he loves? Do you long to be with the living God or would you rather seek every other thing?

We forget Who is home. The living God is at home in your heart. He is never too busy; he is always available. His favorite thing is to spend time with you. He knows exactly what you are struggling with and is ready to comfort and encourage you. He cares for you.
His presence is all you and I need. 

I want to ask for and seek him above all else. I want him to be the ONE THING I desire. That would mean my goal in life would be to continuously BE WITH JESUS. Rather than making a name for myself, becoming more popular, making more money, impacting a community, or finding love I would be focused on His presence. I would be caught up gazing on His beauty and meditating on His love. Wherever I was, whoever I was with, and in whatever I was doing I would be AWARE of His presence with me and seek to know Him better. My thoughts would be consumed with what He has done in my life, what He is doing, who He is, what He has created, and what He wants to do… HE is the ONE THING I want, and He is with me; at home in my heart. He can be with you as well. Ask and seek.

Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you,” Matthew 6:33.

"One thing I have asked of the LORD, that I will seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to inquire in his temple," Psalm 27:4.

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